Tuesday, August 16, 2016

August 2016 - Light at the end of the tunnel

When I began this blog I never thought our journey would be long. I thought that our daughter would get her life back on track and her three children would go back to her and we would go back to the peace that was our former life. After a year passed reality started to set in and we had to prepare to become parents to our grandchildren.

We became licensed foster parents. We also became medically complex certified. Various visitors to our home to see all the children as well as seeing the children individually. The conversations with health professionals that make you feel that you have to prove that you didn't make up illnesses as well as the social service people that come in to work with the children but are spying on what my family and I are doing or not doing to their satisfaction. Not to mention the countless child family team meetings where nothing really gets resolved but is just a progress report. The icing on the cake is our daughter the mother of these children who sends emails every now and then to proclaim her love for her children which is wonderful too bad it is not consistent.

After 2 plus years and a whole host of emotions were are starting to see light at the end of this long tunnel. There was a time where the tunnel seemed like it was extending but now we have crossed over to another world. The world of adoption. I will admit that after the severance was completed on the children I didn't believe that we would get to the next level so soon. For the longest we lived with hurry up and wait. Our final severance hearing was done at the end of May 2016. By July 2016 we had an adoptions case manager in place. As of right now our grandchildren still belong to the State of Arizona but soon all three of these children will be ours. It is a wonderfully scary thought that we will be raising three more children to adulthood. As we walk toward the end of the tunnel everything is coming together to ensure that these 3 children will have all the services they need to live successful lives. So at almost the end of this foster care journey I can say that we are in this to win this.

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